12 March 2007

Embarrassing "Chin Chin" story...

I have an embarrassing story to tell! I am at work now and I just had a lesson with the second grade Junior High School students. In the last bit of the lesson, we played bingo. I got them to brainstorm a whole heap of words to do with the body and I wrote them on the board. They were getting stuck for more words, so I was pointing to different parts and they had to tell me what they were. Anyway, I pointed to my chin and they didn’t know what this word was. So I wrote it on the board and they cracked up laughing. I had no idea why so I kept on going on with the lesson.

Then I was calling out all the body parts and they had to cross them off if they had written it down. They were telling me to call out chin, so I did and they laughed again. I asked the teacher why they thought it was so funny, and she was too embarrassed to tell me! She said she would tell me later. At the end of the lesson, I asked her what chin meant. She told me that chin chin means "male privates", so that was why they found it so funny! I was so embarrassed! She said that in the next class, maybe I shouldn’t write chin down as a body part, and I agreed with her! Well, at least I learnt a new word today!!!


Tinz said...

Teaching body parts leaves things open to all kinds of disasters......that was definitely an unexpected one though! :-)

Stacey said...

oh dear, opps! That tops the Tomogochi story!