7 May 2007

Glover Gardens

Glover Gardens was really, REALLY hard to find! We eventually got sick of losing where we were on the map, that we went into this little shop in the middle of nowhere and asked this little old Japanese lady where the gardens were. She went inside her shop, got her little basket with her purse and ushered us to follow her down the road. She lead us directly to the gardens down all the little side-streets. She was so nice and so cute! She would have only been about five feet tall! I just wanted to give her a big hug after she took us to the gardens! I held back on that one though, coz I didn't want her thinking I was a freak!

The Glover Gardens was also another section of Nagasaki allocated to the Western influence and there were many Western style houses built in this area. It was really cool to walk around and look at all the large houses in the garden.

It was such a nice view from the top of the gardens overlooking the hills and residential area of the city. It was also such a nice day that day so it was really pleasant just walking around and enjoying the scenery.

1 comment:

Tinz said...

I'm glad you held back on that hug Marichi!! She would have thought you were nuts.