10 August 2007

Shinako’s Hospitality

After we ate lunch with the Shogai students, Shinako, one of Tina’s students, took us to her mother’s house for dessert. Her mother had the most beautiful traditional Japanese-style house with the finest furniture and the most beautiful artwork of shyuji (Japanese calligraphy). She also had a perfectly manicured garden with beautiful Japanese trees surrounding the garden. It was just amazing!

This is a picture of us eating the really nice dessert that Shinako’s mother had prepared for us.

Shinako’s mother also bought these really pretty-looking sweets in all different shapes and colours. Some were butterflies, some were flowers, some were sakura. There were all different types and they all looked so delicate and elegant. They almost looked too good to eat! I ate one though!hehe This is what they looked like.

It was so nice of Shinako to invite us to her mother’s house. They were so hospitable and friendly and it was great to see what a traditional Japanese-style home looked like.

1 comment:

Tinz said...

I love Shinako - she is so nice and friendly!