5 January 2008

Last Day at Itohiki

Today was my last day at one of my elementary schools. I really like this particular school because they invited me to their enkei (teacher’s party) and we went away together to Matsuyama which is in another island of Japan. The teachers are really friendly and one of the teachers at that school showed me around Japan and was really friendly and helpful to me.

On the last day, I went outside to play with the kids and I saw four little kids trying to turn this big rope.

Well they were having a little bit of trouble so I went and helped them and they ended up being really good skippers! These are the kids that I was playing with on my last day. They were so cute!

Just before I was about to leave, Mayumi (one of the teachers I made friends with) asked me to watch the Grade 6's perform their song for their big performance. They were just amazing and they were all in time and sounded fantastic! They could even play musical instruments, too! I was really impressed!

This is the principal of the elementary school I was at.

She was always so nice and kind to me and always made the effort to talk to me and come and join in on some of the classes I taught in.

This is the deputy principal who was also really nice.

One time I missed the bus and the next bus didn’t come for another hour, so he offered to drive me to the station. He also gave me a Beetles CD and a Nelly CD too!


Tinz said...

It's good that you had such nice teachers here. It makes your time there nicer!!

Lauren said...

You were really lucky to get a school with such friendly teachers!